
How To Fix Your Back When It Goes "Out"… 

 October 26, 2008

By  admin

Its a situation that has happened to most of us at one time or another.  You bent over to pick something up, to tie your shoes, or turn in JUST the wrong way…and…

BAM!  You feel that sensation.  Like someone just stabbed you in the lower back.  Then in that instant, you know that when you try to move again, its not going to be good.

Here are some tips on what to do to fix your back:

1.  Try to get yourself into a pain free position, or at least the position that causes you the LEAST amount of pain.  Usually this means laying flat on your back with 2 pillows or so under your knees.

2.  Once you get there, don’t move for about 5 minutes.  While you are there, relax yourself.  Shut your brain off, just breathe, and imagine all the muscles in your body relaxing, particularly your back.

3.  Once you are ready to move, gently tighten your abs (if it doesn’t hurt), and roll to your side.  You can then proceed to push yourself to an upright position, while holding your spine in a neutral position. (meaning do NOT let it side bend).

4.  Once you are in the seated position, rest there for as much time as it takes you to relax yourself again, then use your legs to “scoot” yourself until your feet hit the floor.

Now, once standing you can determine if you need to get back to laying down, or if you are ready to go about your business.

–Sam Visnic

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